Philosophy of Biology UCMadrid Group


About us

BioKoinos is a Philosophy of Biology Research Group based at the Complutense University of Madrid (UCM). We operate at the intersection of metaphysics, epistemology, and the history of life sciences. Our work involves collaborative research, along with organizing regular PhD seminars, reading groups, colloquia, and workshops (please check out our upcoming events). 

Our research primarily focuses on the metaphysics of biology, philosophy of evolutionary biology, philosophy of developmental biology, and philosophy of evo-devo. However, our interests also extend to the philosophy of other subfields of biology and related fields, such as medicine.

 Additionally, some of our members delve into the social implications of the biosciences. Feel free to explore our ongoing research projects and the specific research interests of our group members.



BioKoinos Research Seminar

Julio Robledo (UCM) - Una metafísica antirrealista de la identidad

23 September 2024

11:00 - 13:00h

Room: Seminario 30, Facultad de Filosofía (Edificio A, 3ª planta), Universidad Complutense de Madrid


Seminario de doctorandos

Seminario mensual en el que l@s investigador@s predoctorales de los grupos de investigación de BioKoinos (UCM) y Metis (UNED) presentan y discuten los avances de sus trabajos. En cada sesión un doctorando presentará su trabajo, y a continuación habrá tiempo de discusión para ofrecer feedback y comentarios. 

Contacto: Carolina Cuadrado (carocuad[at] 

Sesión 5

Jueves 20 de junio 2024, Sala Homero (planta 6), Facultad de Humanidades, UNED.

12:00 Ignasi Gil (UCM/UNED): ''What is wrong with asking yourself the same question over and over again?"

Sesiones previas

Sesión 1

Jueves 18 de enero S25, Facultad de Filosofía, UCM

9:30h Turad Miguel Turad Lorenzo, "Emergencia y reducción: ¿Es posible una reconciliación?"

10:30h Carolina Cuadrado Bastos, "Valores y fines en los modelos climáticos: en la encrucijada entre ética y epistemología"

Sesión 2

Lunes 5 de febrero S30, Facultad de Filosofía, UCM

11:00 Benazir Flores, "Procesualismo y fundamentalidad: ¿monismo o pluralismo?"

Sesión 3

Lunes 18 de marzo 2024, S30, Facultad de Filosofía, UCM

11:00h David Garcimartín Arenas, "La construcción del concepto 'clima' en la historia de la ciencia"

Sesión 4

Martes 21 de mayo 2024, S30, Facultad de Filosofía, UCM

11:00h Losner Briones (Metis-UNED), "La extrapolación en ciencias sociales: retos y estrategias"

Current visitors

We are happy to welcome Juan Carlos Gallego-Gómez (University of Antioquia) and David Cortés García (University of the Basque Country), who this fall are joining BioKoinos as visitors. 

Check out their projects here.


New Project

We have a new research project: 

Metaphysics of Biology: Processes and Dispositions [PID2021-127184NB-I00].

More information here.

Seminario de trabajo

El uso de las nuevas herramientas de IA para el trabajo académico en Filosofía 

Imparte Laura Nuño de la Rosa

12 de febrero 2024

11:00 - 13:00h

Seminario 36

Seminario de trabajo dirigido a los integrantes del grupo BioKoinos para aprender a utilizar adecuadamente nuevas herramientas de IA, en particular las aplicaciones de traducción automática (DeepL) y chatbots (chatGPT), en nuestro trabajo docente e investigador.  

PhD fellowship - Call for expressions of interest

The Spanish Ministry of Science and Innovation is about to announce a PhD fellowship to carry out a doctoral dissertation in the context of the Research Project "Metaphysics of Biology: Processes and Dispositions" (REF# PID2021-127184NB-100), carried out at BioKoinos.

BioKoinos seeks a candidate willing to develop his/her research project on any topic related to the theme of the project. Approaches can be more metaphysical (how to develop metaphysical theories to apply/use them in the philosophy of biology) or more biological (elucidation of classic or new issues in the philosophy of biology by appeal/use of metaphysical notions). The PhD project will be supervised by María Cerezo and/or Laura Nuño de la Rosa, coordinators of BioKoinos, depending on the content of the proposal.

Expressions of interest should be sent to and Candidates should attach their CVs, a one-page expression of interest, and a sample work (it can be a published paper or a graduate essay that the candidate considers of representative quality; around 5000 words). We might ask for further information and/or appoint an online meeting if it were necessary for the selection process.

Deadline: January 3rd, 2023.

We inform eligible candidates that they will have to submit an official application to the Spanish Ministry for Science and Innovation, through its website. We will announce when this official call is open.
